we are all in the animal farm
I don't know, I just felt its bloody rude to award something so condescending, even if it is meant for good.
So Khir Toyo adopted the 'look to the east' principle and copy-cated Japanese working style of awarding used jeans, torn slippers to the worst employee/department/etc. But Toyo should understand, The Japanese Working People is different.
They actually Work.
And if they get caught not doing Work, it's only natural if they get chastised.
They actually Work.
And if they get caught not doing Work, it's only natural if they get chastised.
While I do imply the Work standards in our beloved country is never at par with our friendly Nippons, I must say Toyo must have a lot of nerve to award such things (if you consider his quality of Works, too).
(Oh and yes, local council is not within his jurisdiction pun.
It belongs to Housing Ministry.
So you see... he's awarding to a pbt within his state, but that pbt is with the federal gomen. Aiyoh this people.)
Well I still can't see any broom-stastic improvement in the State of Selangor, if you ask me, I live in Subang USJ (short for U-suka-Jem), and Shah Alam Court is still fantastic, and poor people in Kuala Selangor is still poor.
Though I must admit that there is improvement in err commercial sector like the billboards suddenly emerging out of where old trees used to be and the fact that bukit gasing is spinning away its green is as good as the facial improvement on Toyo's face; licin, tegang dan putih.
before and after
Its good he realises that as a Minister, one must always potray the best in him. Even when it means a lot of vitamin C injection, but no matter. Beauty is personal, but we would love to see our state as pretty as well. You're beautiful.If you ask me, it seems we live in a zoo.
Or too make it sound familiar to some of us, an animal farm.
We live in a boundary we can not escape, though we love to, but we love our free food and beds of hays.
Hey, we worked our lives for it, whaaat.
It don't matter how shitty or freaking dry the farm is, the big boss Napolean will always know what to do.
With their watchful dogs, we do our own Work.
And get a broom if we're lucky enough to get their attention.
Yeap, we can eat that broom if we get hungry.
And one monkey, managed to escape, and living happily in Russia, where no farms can exist.
Well not like our farm. Lucky one, that kid.
af yang serius.
nah.aku tag kau.tp perkara yg tak serius.saja
ala..i'll bore everyone.To death if i put a post about it.
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