Wednesday, May 13, 2009

love in the time of cholera

1 pm.
Lunch break.

Got Jewel's Lullaby album playing softly.
Kopi Hang Tuah yang hangat.
Perut yang kenyang.
Derum air cond yang tenang dan deruan asap motokar tak terasa.
Re-reading a favourite book just recently bought.

Damai yang mendamaikan.
Nothing sweet lasts forever but at least I'm in bliss, albeit temporary.

Until 2 pm, that is.
Work resumes and takes away my peace.
Where I'll always be at war with myself.


bukan orang perak. Emas barangkali,  13 May 2009 at 17:03:00 GMT+8  

sejam je untuk masa aman damai? ish ish ish ish

nadia,  13 May 2009 at 18:20:00 GMT+8  

Love in the time of swine flu now, babe! =P

amicus curiae 14 May 2009 at 11:14:00 GMT+8  

warga emas:
tis better to love and lost, than not having to love at all.
sejam ok daripada tidak berasa conscious bliss.I'm thankful for my lunchbreak.

kalau translate dua-dua dalam BM, alangkah hodohnya bunyi.

cinta dalam era wabak taun.
cinta dalam era selsema babi.

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