Sunday, June 12, 2011

Zoe Jane is 19

She's already 19.

Half of her is ready for the future, half is still deep rooted onto her past, her home.
Home where she laughs, where she seldom cries, and lives her life, showered by those who loves her the most. Sometime she leave home (and comes back often), to become whatever she is destined to be, may her steps be graced and blessed by God Almighty, all the same out there where danger lurks, people seemed to be in line to hurt her, where other strangers couldn't care less.
But she;ll be bringing our prayers for her to be safe, be protected and blessed.
This time around, she's a year older, no longer a small toddler, but a full grown beautiful maiden (who is now a baby sitter, no longer the baby sister).
My Zoe Jane.

Happy 19th birthday.


Zackyun 13 June 2011 at 14:29:00 GMT+8  

boleh tak rasa nak nangis...

Matatahahari 13 June 2011 at 21:09:00 GMT+8  

Ah. menangis terharu okeehhh.
Ah, Jane jaga Jack kesayangan sekarang.
Semoga Jack jadi manusia berguna kelak !

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