Sunday, January 03, 2010

Ever Thine, Ever Mine

I applaud Tuan Guru Nik Aziz's stand on the "Allah for Catholic" issue, at least to those following the Abrahamic faith.

But I also remember a local scholar who has the Al-Attas heritage in his name, claiming that it is not our culture to universally accept Allah as the One God for all, and this will ultimately confuse the Malay-speaking people.

As I looked past the New Year Celebration with our Prime Minister cajouling the Muslims over this issue, promising that there will soon be an appeal, I can't help but to think: why let it be decided in court, dear gomen, when this can go through academic theology dialouges?

They say, one have an hindsight of the whole year they're heading on the first day of the new year.
Good luck, Malaysia!

Well me. I had BaskinRobbins on the eve and I had missed eating my favourite (but equally fattening) breakfast on that day. Tell me thats a good omen.

Namanya Puri Bhaji.


shueyshoelove 4 January 2010 at 08:45:00 GMT+8  

the phuri looks delicious.yummm!!af, letak la lagi gambar luff ur travelogue and colorful!

amicus curiae 5 January 2010 at 14:32:00 GMT+8  

pagi tadi makan shue tau puri ni apa ye? 1st time makan kat India~anyway, roti canai terbaik is still in Bangsar! :P

shue ni macam tau2 je nak updet post sal travel.Tambah semangat nak updet! thanks shue :D It'll take some time to upload the pics tho.:)

shueyshoelove 8 January 2010 at 14:19:00 GMT+8  

me sista introduced puri.she eats everything! post!

Anonymous,  21 January 2010 at 12:43:00 GMT+8  

af,post la gmbr2 travel lg..seronok bc n tgk pics about ur travel..


amicus curiae 22 January 2010 at 11:12:00 GMT+8  

pza zainal eh ni..

insyaAllah dalam masa terdekat ni akan dipostkan gambar2 terbaru..sibuk sikit sbb husband x berapa sihat..

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