..and then what?
Here's the thing:
My Boss, the Big Engineer Man himself, had been persistently asking me WHEN will I take up my Masters (which we had started to discuss a year ago)
And happily encouraged me to apply somewhere that offers postgraduate C.E and then flatly puts to me "imagine how good it would look in our company file (which Casey had diligently kept it updated annually).
I guess a degree is tad too short for him who has pages long credentials.
(Him double professional degrees and some other postgrad certs. Adoi)
While I was known as a notoriously laidback student, a struggling one, a scatterbrain of sorts and obviously NOT genius! (I think he discovered this after sometime. Hahaha)
I think its partly my fault.
I had been very very diligent in following up with the progress of the discipline... and he knows it.
I was very eager to learn (still is but...) and had shown it to him. Sometimes, exaggerated.
When I first joined the Co., I promised myself that I would be an asset yo Co. that they can't bear to lose. And now I'm trapped.
What he does not know (oh dear God..please don't let him google me up) is this:
1. Suddenly my furthering of studies is motivated by things dis-associated with the Co.
2. Maybe because I have recently short-termed the Co.
He's unaware of this. Of course.
He said he wants me to grow with The Co.
I AM SO roasted.
Ohhh you guilty conscience, go awayyyyyyyyyyy.
i know how u feel dear, and i will support u no matter what path u take.
but i cant live with u far away..
maybe you should just tell him.
You know..not keeping him in check for your surprises.
i know i should. later. later.
all's planned.
anonymous who art thou? and i wonder.
i was and still am amused by the change of plan..taking time to digest hahaha...but i'm sure its the best, it was the best part of my marriage, any thing (?) could not compare, just inform when its booked, i'm just 10 min away haha
thats what happen when we missed out our weekly mandatory goss.hehe.
in a week,everything had been tumbling down to the decision: i guess I take it as a divine sign.
I knowwww..u've been telling me,and yay! boleh jadi a sahw akhirnya! :D
mestila i bgtau,korang kan my klia ritual people!
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